
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lee Yingarn Taichi Chuan

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Taiji Power

Tuesday, August 18, 2009



今天我们在台湾来讲太极拳比在美国人士面前讲太极拳较有意义,也较容易,因为在美国讲太极拳最大的困难就是翻译;我们讲太极拳最重要的是讲气」,但西方人 士对於「气」字则非常之隔膜,所以一个「气」字在美国始终没有翻译好。太极拳是宋朝末年张三丰先生所发明的,其原理则是根据老子的理论,老子这部书是在五 经之後,四书之前所著成的,至於孔子则没有著书,他是「述而不作」的,所以老子这部书在中国哲理上来说,是很早的一部书,但其原则为何?就是「专气致柔, 能婴儿乎」?

所谓「气」即是专心致志於丹田,然後返老还童之谓,亦即是我们太极拳最重要的原则。老子从前说过,「天下之至柔,驰骋天下之至坚」,这是极有道理的,我们 知道风与水是最柔的东西,它是慢慢的积起来的,积到很多的时侯就没有东西可以抵御了。所以我们扩大而言之,天地也不过是积气而已。因此我们在空气中练太极 拳,亦正如在水中游泳一,而对於空气就像对水一般,有一种阻力的感觉,从而慢慢的练,要练到最柔的境地。

讲到气,丹田就是气海,海的容量是其大无比的,我们要以心运气,气沉丹田,然後知道气之所至,气之所行,气之所积。丹田之气满了以後到尾闾,再上行走到脊 骨,然後走到泥丸,也就是气通三关,以後,就往下行走,到五腑六脏,而使全身得到了无穷的补养,所以气在我们身体中是这样遇而复始的运行。

我们人体里有三层的膜,肌肉的外面一层,筋的外面一层,骨的外面一层,此膜正如车胎里的内胎一样的,我们练太极拳的人,如功夫练得好,体内的膜就会增强, 所以就不怕打,又我们要以心运气,使气走三关,我们早晚行、处、坐、卧,都是注意丹田,要以意行气,孟子说:「志,气之帅也,」志是气的元帅,元帅到那里 兵也到那里。

又,气是和电一样的,一热则钢铁木头也能传透过去,所以我们天天练太极拳气就能壮,体内的膜就会增厚。气能通三关,则一切病都没有了。有人问到太极拳有没 有用?我对太极拳不过学到了一点点,但据我的经验来说,太极拳是有用的,我从小体弱多病,四十年前就应该死去的,但後来练习太极拳,身体就好转了,到现在 行年七十岁了,我的眼睛,牙齿都还和年青人一样,这就是练太极拳的好处。

关於练太极拳的体用问题,我也顺便在此来谈一谈,太极拳的体用,是应该注意的,体为本,用为末,没有体就没有用,换句话说,就是有体才有用,体最主要的是 要血脉流通,周身血脉流通以後,人还会有什么病呢?现在癌症那么多,但我教拳数十年,我的学生没有一个生癌的,生癌的人主要的是郁闷室滞所致,但是太极拳 使人周身百脉流畅,气血调和,所以是可以防止癌症发生的。

谈到我们人生,有两点要注意:一是病从口入,一是祸从口出。人们是生病十之八、九,是由於吃东西不慎而发生的,所以我们要注意饮食。再谈到人体内的肾与 胃,人的先天是肾,练气就是练肾,练丹田。人的後天是胃,惟胃强才能吸取充分的营养,但很多人则在摧残胃,人们以为身体虚弱了,就一定要进补,於是不断的 补充营养,但毛病就出在这里,过度的营养是最害人的东西,大病往往从此而起,因为吃得太多了,消化不了,胃就闷胀起来,周身的气血也就不流畅了,在这种情 形之下,那有不生病之理?因此我们如要防止生病,则首先要使气血通畅,要气血通畅,则练太极拳是最佳的途径。

也许有人要问为什么要练太极拳呢?练少林拳不好吗?但我觉得练少林拳对身体虽然也有好处,但是和太极拳不同,因为少林拳的运气是偏於刚的,是往任脉走的, 反之太极拳运气是致於柔的,是往督脉走的,由督脉气行骨中,即道家所谓通三关。同时少林拳是力由骨发,太极拳是劲由筋发。

太极拳所谓体,所讲的就是「气」与「血」的连贯流通,盖人身体内最主要的是气与血而已,血本身不能走,要靠气率血而行,故一个人气旺则血旺。现在常有人对 太极拳提出一个问题,那就是练太极拳全身不用力,动作那么慢,能用吗?我的答案是肯定的,太极拳也不是很难学的,我常常这样讲,一讲就几个钟头,人家还是 不信,甚至於练了几十年太极拳的人也不信,他们以为我练拳一定有秘诀的,我到美国教拳,有一个学生叫路易义的,还有一个学生叫史密斯的,也都说我练拳一定 有秘诀,不然何以只有一个郑曼青呢?

现在让我把秘诀两个字打开来;我跟澄甫老师练拳,杨老师身材很高,体重有三百多磅,他年青的时侯,祖父父亲都是无敌於天下的,他自己有一次到山东一个道台 家里教拳,他吃得好,玩得好,他是杨家最有为最年青力壮的人。但後来回到北京後有人造了一个谣言,说澄甫先生在八大胡同当了保镖,他的父亲听了很生气,於 是把他叫回到家里来,关在後院一个小房里,里面只有一张床,一根杆子,在这种情形之下,澄甫先生因没有其他事情可做,只得天天练太极拳了,如是苦练了四 年。

诸位想想澄甫先生当时身体和功夫既是相当了得,还要苦练四年,太极拳有什么秘诀吗?假如太极拳有什么秘诀,或吃几颗丸药可以马上使功夫臻於上乘,那么我就 必定先把丸药给我儿女吃了,那样就会有功夫了,何必再去苦练呢?我著了一本「郑子太极拳十三篇」,这是根据澄甫老师口述要点以及我数十年的经验与心得而写 的,但断断续续的写;就写了二十年,在台湾才印出来。後来一般反映,十三篇的文字与理论过於深奥,同时又为便於外籍人士研习与译成外文起见,就另以浅显的 文字写了六篇翻译成英文,这一工作用了九年时间方行完成,所以归根究底一句话,练太极拳并没有什么秘诀的要是有秘诀的话,其秘诀就在太极拳论里面,因为其 中没有一句话是假的,决没有一句话是骗人的,只要大家照拳论里面所说的原理去下功夫,是绝对可以学得好的,我是懒人,功夫也不好,各位条件都比我好,我想 大家应该是能够练好的。

练习太极拳最重要的一点是要松,但很多人就松不下,一接手不知不觉之间就不晓得松,这样,一扭,一顶就完了,也就把门关闭了,不能进步了,须知练习太极拳 是要学吃亏的,不要学占便宜,你要是想占一分便宜,大吃亏就在後头,这是我学太极拳几十年的经验,其实不光是学太极拳如此,为人处世亦莫不如此,所以如能 学到太极理,则在社会上处世并不难。老子曾说过:善者善之,不善者吾亦善之。大凡肯吃亏的人,最後总是不会吃亏的。

有一件事情顺便在此谈谈,三十二年在重庆有一次和友人邓君同应英国驻我国大使馆之邀请表演太极拳,正巧英军访华团人员亦在座,表演完毕後,邓君见英军都是 身强力壮的少壮军人,就说各位愿不愿意和郑先生试试,他们都要试,结果都败了。後来又有美国驻渝陆军,因为听到这件事,也邀请去表演,并且在百余人中挑选 了十五个拳击好手,和我比试,结果连败了六个人,其余的人都不敢再比了。由此可见,他们的拳虽然很猛,速度也很快,但跌出去也很重,所以一言以蔽之,太极 拳虽不是主张打人的,但是,无疑问的是一种最好的自卫技术。


郑曼青 主讲 李野文 笔记

Sunday, January 18, 2009

January Taichi Events In Washington DC Area


T'ai chi Meet with Maggie Newman
Saturday January 24th, 2009
1 - 6 PM

At Children’s Aid Society, 219 Sullivan St. Greenwich Village Center

(Between West 3rd and Bleecker St.) New York, New York, 10012

Fee $12 (Correct Change is Appreciated)

Entrance is at 219 Sullivan Street. After entering turn right and walk outside. Through the playground into the building to the right. Walk up three flights to the Auditorium.

Classes: Sunday, Jan 25th at 537 Broadway .
10 - 11 Beginning, 11 - 12 Corrections ($11 each).
Ring Buzzer#4 twice and walk to the 4th floor.


March 14 & 15

“Dao Delivers to the Devoted”

Dr. Jay Dunbar

The "Dao Delivers to the Devoted" with Dr. Jay Dunbar on March 14 and 15 will be an exceptional opportunity to experience the legacy of Master Jou, Tsung Hwa. Dr. Jay studied with Master Jou for over 25 years and is in a unique position to share the insights of one of the great masters of the 20th century. Check the website for more information:


March 21, 2009

The Greater Washington Area Autumn Push-hands Get-together

is on Saturday, March 21, 2009 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm.

It will be held at Lakewood Elementary School.

2534 Lindley Terrace Rockville, MD 20850.

The fee at the door is $8


Joanne Chang

The following are previously announced events:


January 17, 2009

Intro to Swordplay Workshop

With Paul Ramos

Paul Ramos will be conducting an intensive on the fundamentals of eastern swordplay. Handwork, footwork, Drills and comparative techniques will be worked for the straight and broad swords. This workshop will cover sword fighting technique and will not cover individual form at all. This 4 hour intensive will take the person wishing to know how to really use a sword into the realm of strategy and application. It will take place from 10am to 2pm and costs $100 for WST students and affiliates. Those wishing to pre-order rubberized or wooden practice swords can reserve their space by pre registering by January 10, 2009 and their weapons will be waiting for them at the event. Participants should bring head &/or eye protection and 2 sweatshirts for protection. Go beyond form to the essence of swordplay. Call Paul at 301 270-0665 for more information or to register.


March 27-30, 2009

13th Annual Arizona Tai Chi Chuan Retreat w/ Kim Kanzelberger

When: March 27-30, 2009 (Initial Registration due December 20)

Where: Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center, Carefree, Arizona

Course of Study: Prof. Cheng Man-ch'ing's 37-postures, push hands, sword.

Leader: Kim Kanzelberger, a 35 yr. practitioner and student of Ben Lo

Details at:

Center States T'ai Chi Ch'uan Association

Kim William Kanzelberger, Director




Push hands, learning to understand and play

May 16 & 17

Fredericksburg, VA

Sifu William C. Phillips of Patience Tai Chi (, one of Professor Cheng's students in NYC and the most junior student to be given teaching duties at the NY Shr Jung in Professor Cheng's lifetime, is offering a seminar in push hands in Fredericksburg, VA, Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17 from 10 AM to 2 PM, both days. Sifu Charles R. Riley (info at will be hosting the event at the Fredericksburg Parks and Recreation facility.

Saturday's instruction will include neutralization exercises necessary to develop the softness, flexibility leg strength and listening skills for push hands, followed by common neutralizations, and neutralizations hidden in the Cheng Man Ch'ing form.

Sunday will begin with three basic pushes and move on to the counter pushes which arise out of the neutralizations; the structure and relaxation required for pushing and foothold; and the geometry of a successful push.

The fee is $150 for the weekend event, Saturday and Sunday. paid before 5/1

and 200 if paid after 5/1.

One day preregistered for before 5/1 is $90

and after 5/1 is 130.

In addition to the push hands seminar, all are invited to practice Master Liu's Tai Chi and meditation techniques from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the same location. You may join Sifu Riley in practicing Master Da Liu's form, which is the same as Professor Cheng's, but with some additional Yang style movements. The meditation techniques are Taoist techniques passed on by Master Liu. Sifu Riley began his study of Tai Chi with Master Da Liu in 1980 and has practiced and taught since that time.

Push Hands is an exercise performed by two people who are attempting to improve their Tai Chi skills. Practicing the Tai Chi solo form teaches one to remain balanced, focused and relaxed while in motion.

Only through the practice of Tai Chi Push Hands does one improve these abilities while in physical contact with another human being. To be balanced and relaxed while in contact with another person who is moving is a difficult task. Attainment of this ability opens the door to mastery of martial skill through Tai Chi Chuan.

Contact Charles R Riley at

Or Write to for more information

A web page will be set up shortly at to take preregistrations.


Free T'ai Chi Beginners' Practice

Every Saturday morning in McLean, Virginia.

All are welcome.

(You do not have to be enrolled in our regular classes to attend.)

We will mostly be doing the beginners' set

of Prof. Cheng Man-ch'ing's Yang style short form.

For details and directions, please visit

or call 703-759-9141.

Sponsored by the T'ai Chi Study Center.


Cheng Man-ch'ing Yang style t'ai chi / No charge

with David Walls-Kaufman

Saturday morning

8 - 9 Form class and practice

9 - 10 Push hands practice,

Lincoln Park, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., 11th and East Capitol St., SE, 20003.

Info: 202.544.6035.


Opportunity to study tai chi and qi gong in Carroll County, MD.

When Frances Lea Gander relocated from Sykesville, MD to Athens, OH in 2004, three of her senior tai chi students created a tai chi and qi gong study group to keep the practice going in Carroll Co. We take turns leading classes in Finksburg on Monday evenings. Usually all three of us are there so that, after the warm-ups, we break up into 2 or 3 smaller groups to work with students at different levels. New students are welcome at any time; we have flexibility because of multiple instructors.

We practice tai chi as transmitted to us by our teacher Frances Lea Gander, who learned from the late Grandmaster Chian Ho Yin of Taiwan and Milwaukee, WI. We usually begin with warms up, the Eight Pieces of Brocade (Qi Gong), Master Yin's Continuous Form, and Northern Yang (Old Style) Tai Chi C'huan.

Where: Cedarhurst Unitarian Universalist, Club House Rd., Finksburg, MD

When: Monday evenings from 6:45 pm to 8:30 pm (or a little later sometimes)

How much: $5 per class on a drop-in basis

($4 is a tax-deductible contribution to CUU; $1 is for a tai chi fund used to defray cost of holding occasional special classes with guest teachers, such as Frances Gander)

For more information please contact Maureen Harvey at or Evenings (410) 795-3117


Open Push Hands (PH) at Wu Shen Tao

Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00

This opportunity is FREE and OPEN to all levels of PH players, beginners are encouraged to participate.

This Open PH venue will be hosted by Paul Ramos, George Harris, and

Alexander (Roots) King.


"The Dance Exchange",

7117 Maple Ave,

Takoma Park, Maryland.

It is 2 blocks from the Takoma Park Metro Station.

Indoor Shoes Required: There is one caveat, "The Dance Exchange"

requires that all participants wear nonstreet shoes. This

translates as each player must push hands in shoes only used indoors, or

socks. "The Dance Exchange" has to protect its custom dance floor from

the dirt and abrasion of street side shoes.


John Lomas

at 202-462-8695 or Cell 202-549-8321.